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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT

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i can print out and forward to you that i did speak to her in person and she is in support of the business. and i will be willing to forward that to you. >> thank you. where is that email in our package? >> it is in there. they're not paginated. for what it is worth, that person did e-mail us as well and i believe it is a woman. i could not tell from the name. she e-mail this again to say she had met with the owners and felt great about the business and was excited to have it. commissioner meko: this is headlined for community
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support and i have gone through this four times now. >> i would be happy to find it for you now and i will bring it up in a second. >> commissioner meko: thank you. >> commisioner joseph: i think the problem is that getting into a business you do not truly understand on mission street in that area, i have a problem. i think you need to make sure that you have personnel that know how to run your business because ultimately, if you do not do a right, you will be having lots of visits from the inspector grenelli and you will be back before this commission and this is a hefty investment. people who think they -- people who buy clubs are very unusual -- for unusual reasons. i promote the business.
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i want you to have the club but i want you to run it right. i know that everyone says how hard could it be? human beings, your customers, are the issue. they are what makes it difficult and as nice as you are, as bad as you are, or whatever, it becomes an issue and i do not want to end up back here because you do not have the experience. i would hope you would look into finding not just someone to manage the bar but someone who could manage the room. and all the employees and everything else. >> our plan is to continue with the same employees the current owner has at this point. in addition, jt will be managing and i will be a hands-on manager as well. with that plan, i managed the
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news in the past having to do with personnel. i know not in the club industry but other venues. >> commisioner joseph: it is how you deal with your customers if you have an argument. that is a great step. how do you deal with your sound? your security company cannot tell you at what levels to keep the sound so of the bj wants to turn it up, and they decide to take advantage of you, how are you going to know that? >> we understand what is at stake. i have invested a lot of money and time and effort and i have looked into this for the last year and a half for two years. i have studied and evaluated. this was the venue that we were looking for that was not too big, that was going to be over
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our head, and yet it was big enough for us to get into the field and moving forward. i understand there is a lot at stake. we want to do the right thing. >> commisioner joseph: best of luck. >> a couple of questions. jt's thing in the application, with respect to the gentleman from the security company. do you do security at other places or music venues? >> yes. i am ed thistle. i have been in this city since 1996 and i have managed a couple of clubs have worked in, eight or nine different clubs before starting yojimbo. >> you have other clients in the
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city? >> we are at badlands, the starlight lounge, and other facilities. those are the primary nightclubs. >> i had a couple quick questions. the current venue as it exists, has it been troubled recently? >> shine is a small lounge and because of its location and demographic and its programming, we never had problems. we have no history of violence and no -- the only sound complete we had was six years ago. five years ago. even then it was a minor thing that was resolved. >> commissioner cavellini: southern police has
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requested you install a camera. is that the condition that you had? >> i am assuming mr. king did that with the agreement of the conditions. >> president newlin: is there anyone from the public? seeing none, commissioners? >> commisioner joseph: second. >> [roll call vote] >> commisioner joseph >> presid.
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next item, the approval of minutes. which is item 2, review and approve the minutes of june 28. any questions? any public comment? yes, sir, come forward. >> commisioner joseph: can i move to approve? same house, same call? >> president newlin: item three. report of the executive director. if you wanted to go, you're free to do so.
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report of the executive director? >> commisioner joseph: i wanted to update you tha -- the legislation was in front of the planning commission on july 7 which was thursday of last week and they approved it unanimously. with respect to the changing of the planning code which is what they were concerned with and so based on the recommendations of this commission, the small business commission, and the planning commission, and other members of the board of supervisors, some amendments are planned for introduction and discussion at the land use committee on july 18. this is sort of fast track via
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supervisor mirkarimi's office. we expect to see it move out of land use on the 18th and move to the full board for the last two board meetings before recess. that is the information i have gone from the supervisors' office. i wanted to remind you that the commission's bylaws that i give you a copy of as a refresh your because they're interesting to read call for the election of officers every fiscal year and a fiscal year is july 1 through june 30. a nomination for president and vice president is required. i am putting it out there for you to discuss with the members left this evening if you wish. our next two meetings are at the -- july 26 and august 9. we will be doing notification at
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the august -- the august 23 meeting will be cancelled due to request by city hall. they will do upgrades in this room. you can put that cancellation in your calendar. august 23. >> president newlin: commissioner joseph it notified may she will not be at the next meeting. how does that work for the commissioners? will you be able to attend that meeting? >> that is my mother's birthday so i will see if we can do something else. president newlin: will be possible to take it as a first items to you can get out of here? >> i am sure we can make it work. anyone else? let's scheduled for august 9.
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>> commisioner joseph: it is -- wanted to remind you -- i wanted to remind you of our next summit. from one to four at the main library. based on the agenda that includes promoter registration, the birth of this registration, this new llp permit you discussed and the economic impact study which is still being performed by the comptroller's office, we will have a greater interest in participation from restaurants, cafes, and gallery owners. any help you can do in promoting that someone would be great. happily, there is nothing to report in terms of corrective
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actions on permits. i will turn it over. >> i will keep this report short and sweet. as thihas been reported in the t we have had permanent events happening at stillman. talking to the current management company that is taking control of this building for the last few months -- last few weeks, it appears that the organizers of the event broke into the building through a rear window, held their bed, and left. the manageme-- held their event. we are working with them to help
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them keep that in force. for the summer update that we have seen this summer so far, a drop in violent incidents at permanent venues compared to past years which is a positive thing. we have seen a rise in the number of sound complaints but this is by no means a big deal. it is summer. it is cold and people do open their windows and people have more barbecues. we see a rise in our sound complaints. we have no major problems over the fourth of july weekend. you will see a list of the news that have received notice of violation. you will see one then you received a citation as far as incidents of violence, we have
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received no reports. that does not mean there were not any. it means that as no reports have come away and none were witnessed by may 1 hand or that information -- we do have a few disturbing the peace complaints which were never complaints about particular venues that sfpd responded to and were handled on site at that time. that is all i have. >> thank you. >> commissioner meko: was the nature of the complaint? >they do have a p.o.e.? >> we have yet to find anything
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on file. there permit is going back, what go back a long way. we before this commission into the archives. we're moving forward as if they have a permit. >> have they been paying their fees annually? >> there is no indication. as you know from the past, there is certain venues we inherited from the police department that are in this weird gray area. there were permitted -- but they were permitted in the kind of were not. -- and they kidn nd of were not.
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>> commissioner meko: they claim you have shut them down. i never heard any mention but we're being blamed for all sorts of things that have happened over the last three years. i thought i should tell you. >> maybe later you could tell me what we have done so that i can put that in the record. >> is it possible if they are not paying their annual fee, they will have to produce when they paid it is to go back and correct it retroactively? >> i am not sure. that is a good question. we are trying to get down to the exact status of any suppose a permit or their permit in general. there is some question that we did do some research and we know their abc was valid.
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>> keep that in mind when your research all the other saline issues -- salient issues. my comment is that it slipped by on me but i did not fully realize that commissioner meko, this is his last meeting. thank you for your knowledge and of the planning codes. your input is very good and thanks for the association over the past couple years. >> you will be missed. >> commissioner meko: thank you. it has been a good eight years,
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and we barely got to know each other. of all the commissioners i have served with, i am warning you that i am probably the most likely alumni who will be back. >> that could have gone without saying. >> commissioner meko: living in the south of market area, that is home to more place of entertainment permits than anywhere else in the city. being involved with community based planning and general neighborhood issues. crystal, would you make sure that i remain on the list to receive your agendas and i wish you all the very best. >> president newlin: i hear by declare this -- hereby declare
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this jim meko day. >> commissioner meko: i have already said my fair will. thank you. >> i received an e-mail for the -- from the aid of supervisor mirkarimi suggesting that to the amendment be made to reflect the ordinance. any traction on that? commisioner joseph: i do not have a copy of the revision. i am not sure that will be given anything publicly until -- when they agendize the committee items, that will be on line or valuable -.
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>> i do not know how that works with the legislative process. does that trigger a review? >> i did ask the same question to the office and they are trying again to move this legislation along so that it is through the board before their races. if there is some way they do not have to but remain within the due process that is required, they will make that amendment at committee and make it clear. i am not super clear on how they do this but if there is to be a waiting period because of some substantive change, we will find out. >> commissioner cavellini: i do not know how that works there. >> commisioner joseph: it may be up to the clerk or may be up to the president of the committee
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or the chair. or maybe the city attorney's requirements depending on what those amendments are. >> commissioner cavellini: it does not mean they will not look into making the legislation were clear and leave our sound inspector with his hands full when he is trying to enforce something that is impossible to enforce. >> commisioner joseph: they took the comments from this commission seriously and they will -- they were intending to make amendments that to be more explicit about how to manage the sound issues related to that permit so that we would have assistance in that regard. as soon as i can get my hands on a revision, you can take a look at it. >> president newlin: item 7, new business for future agenda items. anybody? i hereby call the meeting of
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tuesday, july 12 over. thank you for coming. you get to stick around.
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>> is housed in a spectacular building described by the world renowned architect. it is the san francisco destination for provocative expositions and programs that explore culture, history, art, and ideas. the director of cultural affairs told us more about the mission and to give us a tour of the latest exposition. ♪ >> today we find ourselves of the contemporary jewish museum. with me is the director of the
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museum. >> i am so happy you are here today. >> we're getting close to a milestone for the museum. it is your third anniversary coming up. >> it is. you were here to help cut the ribbon. it has been an extraordinary journey ever since. we welcome hundreds of thousands of people into the building. we welcome school groups, interests -- tourists. >> the addition of the museum to the cultural pantheons of san francisco has been phenomenon. you have fabulous exhibits. there is one i want to talk about, "seeing gertrude stein." >> gertrude stein is a local woman. she was raised in oakland. she was an extraordinary individual who helped create -- many people call for the mother
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of modernism. years ago, i was introduced to someone doing research on her. i thought it would be an extraordinary exposition to take her and understand her at all for complexity. that is what we have on view during the summer of 2011. >> it is full of wonderful drawings, paintings, and sculpture. >> there is incredible art on view. we have photographs. we have sculpture. we have a lot of different things. we have a little something made for her by picasso. there are five different ways of looking at her life. it is not in chronological installation. it is looking at how she is portrayed in help artists,
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painters, and photographers presented her and how she thought about her own style and presentation. many people think she always had short hair. it was not until she was 52 that she cut off all of her hair. the second element is called "domestic stein." alice b. toklas was her lifelong partner. they had several different homes. we know about their home in paris, the famous salon. you get a taste of what their domestic life was like. >> one thing recreated is the fabulous wallpaper. the black-and-white photos do not convey the color. >> in doing a lot of research, you discover a little tidbits. with an exhibition, at the find ways to make it come together. we found beautiful photographs of the interior of their home. then we found a tiny scrap of
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the wallpaper. we saw how blue and vibrant it was. we had a designer recreate the image of the wallpaper. we had it made into wallpaper so we could all experience what it would have been like to be in their home. it is dynamic and fantastic. they seem very monochromatic because you only know them through black-and-white photographs, but they had such a vibrant life. that is what the exhibition is also trying to show. the third one is the art of friendship. picasso and matisse were part of their second family. there were people she admired and worked with. we introduced the visitors to her second family in a sense. the fourth story is called celebrity stein.
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what a lot of people do not know is when she left united states in the early 1900's, she only came back once in 1934. we also have a section of every single first edition book she ever published. >> it is incredible to see all the first edition books. >> it is really impressive to realize not only was she a grand dame of paris, but she had an incredible writing practice. she was a prolific writer. the fifth level really looks at her legacy and how artists continue to be inspired by her image, work, and concept. >> this is a compelling reason for people to visit the jewish museum.
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you also have life and theater. >> we are a non-collecting museum. any time you walk in the building, you will always be treated to a range of very different and wonderful exhibitions. in our first floor exhibition space, we have an exhibition on the work of charlotte sullivan. she was a young artist in berlin. the nazis came into power. her parents sent her to the south of france to live with her grandparents. she put herself in a room for about 18 months and created 1200 small paintings telling her life story through a kind of reflection. it is another example of the way we try to bring a wide range of art and experiences to our public. we want them to find something meaningful to them. >> your institution has been in th